This is the footbridge from Bad Honnef across to Insel Grafenwerth ("Grafenwerth Island").
(Nikon D60 : Nikkor VR 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 : f4 : 1/20" : 22mm : ISO 200: 26.06.2010 20:31:38)
On the bridge, looking north towards the Drachenfels ("Dragon Rock")
(Nikon D60 : Nikkor VR 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 : f5 : 1/80" : 32mm : ISO 200: 26.06.2010 20:33:42)
One of the stands around the open air concert stage was selling freshly-baked pizzas.
(Nikon D5000 : Sigma EX 70-200mm f2.8 : f2.8 : 1/200" : 70mm : ISO 800: 26.06.2010 21:35:33)
This little girl was enjoying herself, racing along the banks of the river Rhine !!
(Nikon D5000 : Sigma EX 70-200mm f2.8 : f2.8 : 1/320" : 160mm : ISO 800: 26.06.2010 21:11:02)
Of the five bands playing at the open air concert, top of the billing was "Just Pink" - allegedly Europe's best Pink cover band, they certainly were very impressive !!
(Nikon D5000 : Sigma EX 70-200mm f2.8 : f2.8 : 1/40" : 82mm : ISO 200: 26.06.2010 22:48:09)
You can see more details of this band on
their web site(Nikon D5000 : Sigma EX 70-200mm f2.8 : f2.8 : 1/60" : 70mm : ISO 450: 26.06.2010 22:13:51)