In order to visit my parents in England for the long Easter weekend, I left home at 5:30 am and drove to Calais (France). When I arrived there at 10:15 am, the port was in total chaos, with frustrated motorists parked all over the place - the trade union for the SeaFrance employees had decided to call a strike at short notice (on Good Friday, one of the busiest days of the year), and none of their ferries were running.

Luckily I was booked with P&O - although their ferries were delayed, since they (and Norfolk Line) were filling up every last space to assist stranded SeaFrance clients.
On arrival in Dover, the port and city was also in chaos, with more frustrated motorists and lorry drivers parked up and blocking the roads. The police had closed a large section of the motorway leading into Dover and were using that as a lorry car park (Operation Stack).
Nikon D5000 : Sigma VR 18-200mm f3.5-f6.3 : f8 : 1/1000" : 116mm : ISO 200: 02.04.2010 13:06:28)