In total awe of another photographer (Rob Thomas) who has also taken up this challenge of adding a photograph every day of this year onto his blog (
http://strangers365.blogspot.com/), but has stipulated that every day he will photograph a different and complete stranger, I decided that I too should venture way outside of my comfort zone and try to get half-decent portrait photographs on the fly (streets) without any safety net (home studio and equipment).
Talk about beginners luck - the very first person that I approached today agreed immediately to let me take his photograph !! OK, so he was from Kurdistan and didn't understand much German, but his only concern was that I was going to charge him money !!
So, here he is, a big (freezing cold) welcome to Mr. Brinotz (?) of Troisdorf, and his moment of internet fame (but alas no fortune !!). Unfortunately, he misunderstood my request for his e-mail address (so that I could forward the picture with a link to this blog on to him) and wrote down his postal address instead (which I didn't notice until I was back in the office with access to my reading glasses) .... that isn't going to cut much ice with hotmail :-(
Nikon D60 : Nikkor VR 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 G3 : f3.5 : 1/15" : 45mm : ISO 200 : 06.01.10 15:39:12)