Saturday 24 March 2012

Yet Another Car Accident :-(

OK, this is becoming extremely repetitive and very annoying, but for the fourth time in only five months, another car has smashed into the back of the car that I was driving !!!

This time I was at the wheel of a one month old Mitsubishi Lancer rental car, driving down the inside (= SLOW) lane of the 10 lane wide trans-Dubai race track (officially known as the Sheikh Zayed Highway). Just before the exit sliproad that we wanted to take, all the cars in front of us braked and stopped, so I did the same. The taxi driver behind us (in the Toyota Camry, whose bonnet is firmly embedded where the boot used to be on the Lancer) also stopped ....

(Nikon D700 : Nikkor 24-120mm VR f3.5-5.6 : f3.5 : 1/60" : 24mm : ISO 400: 24.03.2012 18:40:30)

.... but a woman from Jordan in a BMW 318i decided to break with convention (instead of with her right foot) and keep going, regardless of the row of stationary vehicles in front of her. Just after we heard her slamming hard into the rear of the taxi, the Camry was catapulted forwards into the rear of the Lancer.

(Nikon D700 : Nikkor 24-120mm VR f3.5-5.6 : f11 : 1/60" : 24mm : ISO 400: 24.03.2012 18:42:21)

A BMW Mini then gently nudged the back end of its bigger brother.

(Nikon D700 : Nikkor 24-120mm VR f3.5-5.6 : f8 : 1/60" : 24mm : ISO 400: 24.03.2012 18:45:17)

Luckily no-one was badly injured in this incident, and the only car that was undriveable was the culprit BMW.

Apologies to everyone who was late as a result of the huge traffic jam behind us, but if only people here could learn how to drive at safe speeds and keep safe distances from the vehicles in front of them, I wouldn't have so much of my life wasted with frequent waits for the Police, trips to the other motorists insurance companies, and then to and from the accident repair garages .... oh, and I could have included photographs from the Internations meeting in the spectacular Zabeel Saray hotel on Palm Island that we were heading for here instead !!!

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